React-Native Error Reporting with Artificial Intelligence!

Berkin Tatlısu
2 min readAug 2, 2019

If you’re a developer in mainstream company or a freelancer or a team member or a senior or a team head, you probably experienced those moments that users told in their comments, about buggy stuff and crashes with low star ratings.

Those are certainly uncomfortable situations.

In that time to understand what your users have talking about your app, you need to generate same error to solve that, or search it. That may end after very long process to find solution for you or your team.

We all know those, sometimes how hard to find out the main reason behind an error on your code and sometimes its very hard to point out where exactly may be reason behind it.

So How can we find that solution in a short time?

With Jefferson, A brand new tool for detecting crashes and errors in your mobile apps, it became too easy to manage app’s bugs. They make the hard work done in a couple of seconds with Jefferson’s FixSense bug solver and Error resolvers for mobile apps.

Jefferson does the hard work for you to search & find the root of the problem and this may save you and your team from working for some extra hours or days maybe to find out error’s cause.

You can track your errors and logs free on Jefferson’s dashboard.

All you need to do is just create a free Jefferson Account.

Developer package subscriptions are free of charge with limited functionality.

Get Instant Crash Reports for your Mobile Apps

FixSense Technology : Automated Solutions for bugs & crashes!

If you are a business or a company, you can subscribe the full AI package and functionalities like other providers(Fabric,Sentry,etc) cannot provide you in a such package.

Or if you are a developer, creating apps, it’s free to try Jefferson.

How to integrate Jefferson into your React-Native App?

  1. Create your account on and get your API key
  2. npm install jefferson
  3. add you apikey into your android project manifest
<meta-tag android:name="JEFFERSON_API_KEY" android:value="your_api_key"/>

4. add in your

import pro.jefferson.react.JeffersonSDKPackage;...public class MainApplication extends Application implements ReactApplication { JeffersonSDKPackage(),

5. edit your app/build.gradle

implementation project(':jefferson')

6. edit you settings.gradle

include ':jefferson'project(':jefferson').projectDir = new File(rootProject.projectDir, '../node_modules/jefferson/android')

7. usage in react-native

import JF, { JF_setJSErrorCatcher } from "jefferson";JF.start();// (one time only. in your app.js root is recommended/outside the class)JF_setJSErrorCatcher();JF.saveGeovisionUserForCrashLog("dummyuser");//you can place it in your methodsJF.sendEvent("string"); //you can place it in your methods

That’s all!

Enjoy !

